◦ A
simple obstruction
◦ Fetch
the oxygen? ◦ Obstructive lung
You might want to read
Transport and
Transport if
you’re not familiar with them already.
Mismatch of blood perfusion of alveoli and alveolar
ventilation occurs
in many lung diseases. It is important to understand how mismatch
affects the arterial partial pressures of O
and CO
and PaCO
because these effects differ between
the two gases. Some obstructive lung problems respond to supplemental
while others do not. Understanding
mismatch helps identify when this might
be the case, and why.
of what is confusing
about V̇A:Q̇c
mismatch comes down to O2
transport being a carrier-mediated process
can be saturated and that O2
is entering the body, while the
opposite is true of CO2
in every respect.
During normal quiet breathing, cardiac
output is about 5 L/min and alveolar ventilation is much the same.
Similar volumes of blood and air meet at the alveolar surface to
exchange gases. When this doesn’t happen – because
blood flow or airflow is disturbed – we have alveolar
mismatch. Most
respiratory diseases have a component of such mismatch, whether it is
on a large scale, or spread diffusely through the lung. A tumour can
occlude a bronchus and limit airflow to an entire lobe, or
bronchoconstriction can limit ventilation of many or all alveoli to
varying extents.
Now, recall the relationship between alveolar ventilation V̇A)
and the
partial pressure of CO2
in the alveoli (PaCO2).
equilibrates pretty easily at the
alveolar surface, so PaCO2
is going to be very
close to the partial pressure of CO2
in the alveoli (PACO2).
1: The relationship between
alveolar minute ventilation (V̇A),
the partial pressure of CO2
in the
alveoli (PACO2)
and actual CO2
content in blood (PaCO2).
Shows how changing alveolar ventilation flow rates influences the PACO2
in the alveoli.
Doubling the rate of V̇A
halves the PACO2;
halving V̇Ahas
the opposite
effect. (B)
Depicts the relationship between the PaCO2
and the CO2
content of blood.
Dashed lines show the typical values.
At a typical
of 5 L/min, P
should be around 5 kPa, corresponding to about 450 mL of CO
per litre of blood.
If you double
will halve, and there
will be a change in CO
content that reflects the relationship between PaCO
– i.e. it’s not a linear relationship. At a
of 10 L/min, CO
content will be 337 ml/L, not 225 ml/L. Read the numbers off the curves
above yourself (Figure 1).
The situation for O
is a little different, because we are trying to
take it in, not get rid of it. As you increase
increases, but of
course it can’t get any higher than 21 kPa unless you change
the air that you are breathing (Figure 2). In fact, by the time air is
humidified and reaches the bronchioles, water vapour takes up enough
"room" to limit this to 20 kPa. Finally, when you factor in the CO
that is continuously excreted into the alveoli, it becomes clear that P
can't be much higher than 16-17 kPa at maximal
2:The relationship between
alveolar ventilation (V̇A),
the alveolar partial pressure of O2
the partial pressure (PaO2),
actual O2
content of arterial blood and
haemoglobin saturation. (A) Shows how increasing V̇A>
causes an
increase in PAO2
. Note that this is very different to the
relationship between V̇A and PACO2
(Figure 1). (B) Illustrates the
normal relationship between the amount of O2
dissolved in plasma
the actual full content of O2
in blood and the degree of O2
saturation of haemoglobin. Remember, the O2
content is
dependent on the amount of haemoglobin present; if haemoglobin is half
of what it should be it will still be saturated, but O2
content will be
halved. Dashed lines show the typical values.
relationship doesn’t pass through zero, because the body is
burning 300
ml/min at rest. If you don’t breathe enough, you ventilate
the lungs below the body’s demands for O
and die. If
is 5 L/min then PaO
around 14 kPa (air
has a PO
of 21 kPa, but alveolar air also contains CO
excreted by the
body and water vapour). We define hypoxeamia as a P
< 9 kPa, so
when V̇A
is under about 3
l/min, we are in that territory (at rest). We generally accept that PaO2
should be within 2 kPa
of PAO2
– as it’s less soluble in water than CO2
and might
not be equilibrated fully – and for our purposes here
assume that they are always equal. Under these
conditions, haemogloblin saturation (“sats”) is
close to 100%.
simple obstruction
Say you accidently inhaled a peanut and it jammed in the right
completely obstructing it. It tends to be the right bronchus that
things get jammed in because it sits a little more vertically than the
left one. The effect of the peanut is to halve ventilation.
3: How blocking an entire
side of the lung with a peanut affects V̇A:Q̇C.
Blood to the right lung returns to the heart without having
equilibrated with freshly ventilated alveolar air. Alveolar air in this
side of the lung will equilibrate with venous blood and have the same Pa>O2
and PaCO2.
If we take the average of the O2
content of blood returning from each lobe, we can determine what the
that PaO2
of blood returning to the heart will be. Because of the steep nature of
the haemoglobin dissociation curve, the impact of losing ventilation of
one side of the lung is profound.
Now we have a nice example of shunt: when blood leaves the heart and
returns without meeting with alveolar air to exchange gases. It's also
something of an emergency, since a little number-crunching (see below)
shows that with this degree of shunt – half the lungs
– serious hypoxaemia is inevitable and untreatable until the
peanut is removed. Adding supplemental O2
won't help at all – that's one definition of a shunt
(although definitions of shunts vary; check your local rules!) If you
can't see why supplemental O2
won't help in this situation, you will soon.
In this situation, the blood from the heart to the right lung is venous
blood, there and back. It will have PaO2
of 5 kPa. The other lung is working well, though, returning blood to
the heart with a PaO2
of 14 kPa. We can read off the corresponding O2
contents of the two (Figure 3) and work out what the O2
content (and equivalent PaO2
that will show up on an arterial blood gas analysis) of the mixture
will be:
Because the PaO2
content relationship isn't linear, you can't just take the average of
the PaO2
values. The PaO2
tells you what is dissolved in the liquid phase; the relationship to
total O2
content is a different kettle of fish thanks to haemoglobin. If you
tried to work it out by averaging the PaO2
values, you'd deceive yourself:

can do a similar set of
calculations to determine how well these lungs will blow off CO2
4: Effect of obstruction of
the right bronchus on blood PaCO2
returning to the heart. The right lung returns what is effectively
venous blood, unchanged after perfusing an unventilated lung. The left
side returns arterial blood to the heart, but the mixture still has a
high blood PaCO2
(5.6 pKa).

How does the body respond to this ventilation problem? On a breath to
breath basis, you may remember that it isn't PaO2
that drives breathing but PaCO2
(although a PaO2
of 6.5 kPa is low enough to also trigger the sluggish hypoxic drive to
breathe). Stimulation of carotid body and central chemoreceptors by
increased CO2
should cause a reflex increase in the rate and depth of breathing.
Let's say thatV̇A
as a
result. That should do the job, shouldn't it (Figure 5)?
5: Effect of doubling
on oxygenation of blood from lungs in which the right bronchus is
blocked. Naturally, there is no improvement in the oxygen content from
the right lung, because it doesn't see the increase in ventilation. On
the left side, however, PaO2
increases to 17 kPa. Sadly, as haemoglobin is pretty well saturated on
this side, this has almost no impact on improving oxygen content of the
mixed blood returning to the heart. We need to get that peanut out if
we are going to solve this problem.
If you can see from Figure 5 why increasing V̇A
hasn't helped at all, then skip the following calculation:

problem here is that the
blood in the left lung is pretty well saturated anyway; you
can’t get any more O2
into it. The right lung will
equilibrate with venous blood as there is no change in ventilation
there. By increasing ventilation, all that is achieved is that the left
lung is hyperventilated and will halve the CO2
content of the blood
perfusing it:
6: The effect of increasing
ventilation on the unobstructed side of the lung. This is
hyperventilation, but it is the body's natural response to an unusual
situation. You will see the same in patients with a significant degree
of obstruction: increased total lung ventilation (to try to
increase PaO
The result is hypocapnia due to hyperventilation of
regions of the lung. You can always blow off CO
in these regions, but you can't do more than saturate haemoglobin.
the CO2
content of the
two sides, and its impact:

the oxygen?
The lung that is ventilated is doing 100% of a job. You can't do more
than saturate blood with O2.
But, you can always blow CO2
off. That's the respiratory compromise that has to be balanced.
What could we do to help such a patient? Increasing the fraction of
inhaled O2
currently 0.21) won't help at all, because the working side of the lung
can't take any more oxygen on, as it is saturating haemoglobin as it
is. We need to get that nut out. The problem here is that blood is
effectively shunted past the other half the lung, and returns to the
heart unchanged. You see similar things in different types of shunts.
In a newborn say, with a patent ductus arteriosus, some blood bypasses
the lungs and the effect is largely the same. Supplemental O2
won't help.
Obstructive lung diseases
How does this compare with a respiratory disease such as asthma? In
asthma airway obstruction isn't necessarily complete and is diffuse.
This is a different situation, and one that will respond to
supplemental oxygen. But why?
In an obstructive disease where airflow is limited, but not completely
obstructed, the problem is one of getting adequate alveolar
ventilation, rather than ventilation at all. Alveoli that are fed by
bronchi which are completely obstructed (say, by mucus plugs) behave in much the same way as
the peanut example described above, but on a smaller, local scale. Most
airways in asthma are only partially obstructed and the alveoli that
are fed by them behave differently.

Rather than equilibrating with
venous blood, air in these alveoli just gets a bit stale: it
accumulates too much CO2
and doesn't get enough fresh air to bring PaO2
to where it belongs. If you increase the FiO2,
you can increase the chances of PaO2
closer to normal (or even better) and rectify the situation on the O2
front. Getting the CO2
out is a different story because it's going in the other direction.
Like the peanut, the problem isn't solved until the partial obstruction
is dealt with using a bronchodilator such as salbutamol.