and other β2-adrenoceptor
◦ Bronchodilators
◦ Selectivity of β2-agonists
Long-acting β2-agonists
agonists like salbutamol
cause airway smooth muscle
relaxation by increasing intracellular cAMP levels. They are fairly
specific to airway smooth muscle, especially when inhaled. They have no
direct effects on inflammatory processes or cough reflexes. For some
asthma patients,
occasional relief with a β2
agonist as required is sufficient
to control their disease. More persistent cases require add-on
therapies, such as inhaled glucocorticosteroids.
Why the airways contain smooth muscle is a bit of a mystery, since
bronchoconstriction doesn’t appear to have many adaptive
advantages. Bronchoconstriction occurs prior to cough, and this
narrowing of the airways probably helps to generate increased shear
forces to remove mucus. This brief bronchoconstriction is produced by
firing of cholinergic parasympathetic nerves innervating the airways
and quickly reverses. Prolonged bronchoconstriction – as seen
in asthma and other inflammatory airway diseases – causes
airflow limitation and can be life-threatening. Part of the
bronchoconstriction seen in such diseases may be mediated by
cholinergic mechanisms, but a significant proportion is caused by a
vast number of inflammatory mediators. Reversing this type of
bronchoconstriction can’t be achieved with a single receptor
antagonist and another approach is required.
The current pharmacological approach to treating bronchoconstriction
that is caused by multiple mediators is physiological antagonism.
Rather than giving a drug that blocks the receptors for inflammatory
mediators (there are too many), we simply appose bronchoconstriction
using β2-agonists
which cause airway smooth muscle to relax.
Most mediators that cause bronchoconstriction do so by binding to
G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) that initiate signalling via the DAG
and PLC pathways which lead to increased concentrations of
intracellular calcium and contraction in airway smooth muscle (Figure
1). β2-adrenoceptors
are also GPCR, but they couple instead
adenylate cyclase, increasing the concentration of the second messenger
cyclic AMP (cAMP). cAMP causes smooth muscle relaxation through several
mechanisms, including promoting the lowering of intracellular calcium
concentrations and decreasing the sensitivity of the contractile
apparatus to calcium.
of β2-agonists
Prior to the development of β2-selective
agonists, treatment
options were limited to adrenaline and isoprenaline. Adrenaline binds
to all α- and β-adrenoceptors causing not only
bronchodilation (β2)
but increased heart rate (β1)
and vasoconstriction (mainly α1).
Because of the
cardiovascular effects, adrenaline is generally not used today, even in
status asthmaticus. Isoprenaline on the other hand has affinity for
both β1
and β2
receptors, limiting the cardiovascular
side effects to tachycardia. Modern β2-selective
agonists have
the obvious advantage that they have the highest affinity for
in the airways. However, there are some
receptors in the heart, so some tachycardia is still seen
when β2
agonists are used, especially when used in heroic
doses in status asthmaticus. Other common side-effects such as tremor
are related to β2
receptors on other cells types and
One of the few improvements that have been made to β2-agonists
over the last 30 years is their duration of action. Conventional
short-acting β2-agonists
(SABA) produce effects that last 4-6 hours,
whereas more recent long-acting β2-agonists
(LABA) last 8-12 hours. LABA such as salmeterol are
ideal for patients who suffer nocturnal symptoms, and may need to be
prescribed when symptoms aren’t adequately controlled by
SABA. Because asthma treatment guidelines are designed to wean patients
onto the minimal required maintenance mediation, LABA are not used in
the first instance in mild asthma. Patients are also more aware of
their symptom frequency when they use SABA to abort attacks, rather
than LABA which may mask them.