Cardiac markers for myocardial infarction
The detection of markers of myocardial injury have improved from less specific (e.g. myoglobin) to more specific markers such as the cardiac isoform of Creatine Kinase (CK-MB) and the cardiac isoforms of troponin (Troponin I & T). Currently, troponin is the favoured marker as it is both more selective and more sensitive than CK-MB. Where troponin detection is not available, CK-MB is currently considered an acceptable alternative. Potential alternative markers are still being investigated.
Levels of both troponin and CK-MB do not increase until at least 3 hours after onset of chest pain, so it is entirely possible for a recent emergency admission to have normal levels. Repeated measurements need to be made; changes (or lack of them) can assist in differentiating MI from non-MI acute coronary syndromes (ACS).